A positive result may be seen if you had a miscarriage or have given birth within the past 8 weeks (since hCG may still be in your system). Certain drugs which contain hCG or that are used in combination with hCG (such as Pregnyl, Profasi, Pergonal, APL) and some rare medical conditions such as trophoblastic disease, Islet cell tumors, and some carcinomas can also give false positive results.
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What factors can give false positive results?
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Fertility drugs and pregnancy testing
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Reading pregnancy test results
Just wanted to say that I am very pleased with your product. I was able to detect my pregnancy at 8 days past ovulation. Very noticeable positive at 9dpo and still was getting negative from first response and clear blue. Days later FR and CB picked up on my pregnancy but pregmate was able to detect and show very early.
Thank you