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Pregnancy test strips. Early pregnancy testing.

Pregnancy test strips. Early pregnancy testing.

  • Accurate and reliable pregnancy tests
  • Will work 5 days before your missed period
  • Results are over 99.8% accurate
  • As low as 19¢ per test

The average implantation time is 9 days past ovulation. It takes 2-3 days for the embryo to make enough hormone for a home pregnancy test to detect.
That means the majority of women will not get a positive result until 11 days past ovulation.

If you want to test as early as possible, but want to make sure you are getting the most accurate reading, test the day your next period is supposed to begin - you will have a 99% chance of getting an accurate result.
Our pregnancy tests have a sensitivity level of 25 miu/ml designed to detect low levels of hormone for early pregnancy testing.
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  • Keep getting positives but I’m not pregnant

    Brooke Spencer
  • Pregnancy test strips


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