Ovulation & Pregnancy Tests
Ovulation & Pregnancy Tests
Maximize your chance of pregnancy with accurate ovulation prediction. Determine your most fertile days. Predict your fertility window. Identify the best time to conceive. Test for pregnancy 5 days early.

I enjoy how easy to read these ovulation tests are. Plus, they're inexpensive! It allows me to take one as often as I want.
Nicole B

I love how accurate these are and the price! They are priced great for couples trying to get pregnant and needing multiple tests.

So amazing to be able to keep these on hand and check as often as needed without having to worry about spending too much or running out. They really help to calm my worries! Especially great for anyone who is on a budget!
Jadra H

I used these test strips when I successfully got pregnant with my first baby! They never steered me wrong. Their pregnancy tests are amazing too, super early response! Very happy with this product, currently using them to try and get pregnant with my second.
Nhaila T

I wish I knew about these sooner and I would have saved a bunch of money. Tests were just as accurate as other brands I purchased. Since they were so affordable, I could test every day instead of limiting myself to just a few tests per cycle.
Jessica M

I have tried many expensive digital kits and these Pregmate strips are awesome for a fraction of the price. Very easy to read!